

Ten months ago, my boyfriend and I made the biggest, scariest and by far best decision we had ever made together.  We were going to Europe.

It was my junior year of college and Frankie’s senior year.  I had been talking about studying abroad for the spring semester of my last year.  I knew Frankie wasn’t thrilled about the idea of me leaving the country for four months, but he wasn’t about to stand in the way of my need to see another part of the world.  So he came to me with a proposition.  Instead of studying abroad in London by myself for a semester, how would I feel about  backpacking all over Europe together for a month or two?  …how would I feel?  It’s only what I’ve been practically begging him to do with me for about two years!  I had decided to study abroad because I didn’t think I would ever be able to convince him to do this with me and I thought this would be my only chance to travel as a student.  Frankie had never considered it before because he didn’t think there was a chance in hell we could afford it.  Hearing me talk about studying abroad had led him to realize what I had decided a long time ago – the experience would be worth so much more than whatever money we would end up spending.

Money was still a huge concern, though.  As soon as Frankie suggested this, we got right on the computer and started researching.  From what most people were saying, the earlier you start planning, the better.  We wanted to go right after Frankie’s graduation, so we had about four months to learn as much as we could.  We learned so much in that time and while we were traveling, and now I want to share that information with other students and anyone who wants to travel, but doesn’t want to spend a fortune.

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